Want to travel around Chiba by bicycle? B.B.BASE is here to support you! B.B.BASE, which stands for “Boso Bicycle Base,” is a train that departs from Ryogoku Station in Tokyo and aims to be a “mobile base for cyclists” who ride the train with their bicycles and head directly to the Boso area. You can enjoy the view from the train window in the comfort of a seat equipped with a power supply while your bicycle is safely secured on the train.
Chiba is a great place for cycling, with its mild climate and long coastal paths. B.B.BASE offers several routes and courses to choose from, such as a 50-60 km course in Uchibo, getting off at Tateyama Station, riding along the sea in Minamiboso, and returning from Wadaura. You can enjoy the sea breeze while touring around the southern tip of Chiba, which stretches out into the Pacific Ocean.
Along the way, you can stop at the Nojimasaki Lighthouse, a national cultural asset, or at one of the roadside stations along the way. In addition, Tenzen is a secluded restaurant nestled in the mountains of Chiba, a possible destination when cycling around the Boso peninsula. Here, you can immerse yourself in the traditional atmosphere while enjoying seasonal cuisine made with locally-sourced seafood, meat, and homegrown produce. The route is dotted with other interesting spots so be sure to take your time and explore all the unique attractions that Minami Boso has to offer!
B.B.BASE is a special train designed with bicycles in mind, equipped with special bike hooks and is able to accommodate up to 99 people and their bicycles. It operates on refurbished 209 series trains, whose white paint scheme with gray and silver bicycle outlines makes it easy to spot at Ryogoku Station. The train offers one-day round-trip packages to various parts of the prefecture, using the Narita Line, which extends to the easternmost city of Choshi, the Uchibo Line along Tokyo Bay, or the Sotobo Line along the Pacific coast. Some tour packages include hotel accommodations at various destinations.
B.B.BASE is an excellent way to pedal your way through the stunning sights of Chiba, experience traditional Japanese cuisine and culture, and enjoy a comfortable train ride with your bicycle. So, get ready to hop on board for an unforgettable adventure!